I am a huge Final Fantasy fan. Ever since I was, like, 13 I've been playing these games on emulators, since FFVII was the first one to be officially released in Europe where I live. I call myself a classic fan meaning I got into the series not via VII like modern fans. The first one I played was the 1st one on an old NES emulator for DOS (That thing we used before Windows was invented xD). As I experienced the franchise's evolution, I fell in love with FFVI, which I still consider to be the best in the series, even though my personal favorite is still FFIX. Despite my love for these games, the truth is that I don't like some of them. I've decided to review all of the games throughout this summer. I will only be looking at the main series, though. I might change my mind along the way and review some spinoffs,but I won't promise anything. I also want to list right now other exceptions:
-I won't review the sequels X-2 & XIII-2 for 2 reasons: They're not considered by Square to be part of the main series. Also i personally refuse to pay 40 bucks (plus 10 for DLC Eps) for XIII-2. Why? Well you can check my friend Tman's review of it for details.
-I won't review XI & XIV because I'm not really into MMORPGs, so I don't think I will be able to give them a proper review. I will say that they have fantastic soundtracks though.
That's pretty much all I have to say about how this marathon will go. Right now I'm busy with my final exams so I won't start until 2 weeks from now.
See you guys later ;)